Well it's 3 and a bit weeks left to go until the big day. Things are shaping up quite nicely.
I managed the full 13.1miles in a training run a couple of weeks back. I planned the route along the tow-path of the Gloucester and Sharpness canal, so at least it would be completely flat. Still, the last 5km was just horrible. My legs were burning. I was tired, hungry and generally just wanted to give up, but I really wanted to complete the full Half Marathon distance.
With about 2km to go I was glad that the canal was almost deserted, simply because it meant I could whinge and swear as much as I wanted! I won't have that luxury in Bristol!
My Half-Marathon Training Run View in a larger map
I made it though, in not-much over 2hrs, with no proper preparation, so it looks good for Bristol. At least now I know what it will feel like too, and the thousands of other people pushing me along should make it a little easier at least! The only downside is that I took too much out of my legs, and I've struggled to run more than about 8km since. Over the weekend, I've rested a bit, so I'll be trying for a couple more runs of around 15-16km before the big day.
There's not much more training to do now, as it will tail off with around a week to go. I'd like to say that it's been fun, but to be honest I haven't found much enjoyment in running past 10km distance...so I'm going to stick to that after this is over. I've got a goal for after the Half Marathon which won't require any greater than 10km...well, not for the running bit anyway...
Longest Run so far - 13.1m (21.1km - FULL HALF MARATHON DISTANCE!)
Longest Bike so far - 57.3 miles
Total Bike so far - About 1010 miles (50,000 kcal)
Longest Bike so far - 57.3 miles
Total Bike so far - About 1010 miles (50,000 kcal)
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
40 Days to go!
I'm a bit frightened really.
I've been doing a lot of training in the gym and on the bike, but not much running, and I think it's starting to show!
Still, I'm up to about 9 miles now (well I've done it twice anyway!) and I've run the hardest bit of the actual Half Marathon route. People who have run the race previously tell me that the drag out on the Portway and back is the hardest part, so I decided to go out and do it on my own, plus a lap of the Bristol Floating Harbour.
It rained. A lot. So much that I don't think I could've been wetter if I'd jumped in the damn harbour. But it was a learning experience, so at least I know where I am. 9 miles is hard, but I can do it in under an hour and a half, so I might be on for my 2hr finish afterall...that's if I can keep off of the sandwiches for another month and a bit!
Please, please, please sponsor me by clicking on the link in the top right. All money goes to Clic, who are a great charity supporting kids with cancer. No amount is too small! Go on, it'll make you feel good for the rest of the day!!
I've been doing a lot of training in the gym and on the bike, but not much running, and I think it's starting to show!
Still, I'm up to about 9 miles now (well I've done it twice anyway!) and I've run the hardest bit of the actual Half Marathon route. People who have run the race previously tell me that the drag out on the Portway and back is the hardest part, so I decided to go out and do it on my own, plus a lap of the Bristol Floating Harbour.
It rained. A lot. So much that I don't think I could've been wetter if I'd jumped in the damn harbour. But it was a learning experience, so at least I know where I am. 9 miles is hard, but I can do it in under an hour and a half, so I might be on for my 2hr finish afterall...that's if I can keep off of the sandwiches for another month and a bit!
Please, please, please sponsor me by clicking on the link in the top right. All money goes to Clic, who are a great charity supporting kids with cancer. No amount is too small! Go on, it'll make you feel good for the rest of the day!!
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